You're a slut, you're a bitch, you're a whore (Oct 23- Nov 21)
I am a Scorpio. I am also a bitch. There are some people who think the two facts are related. I worry about people like that. Still, I'm willing to take the excuse; "I couldn't help it! My astrological sign forced me to tell you to fuck off!".
In other news, I suck at Risk. World domination forever eludes me!
Can you see the cracks in my sanity yet? If the grass had come in yet I could at least lie about outside and bask in the sunlight. I'm brimming with energy and all I can do is hobble!! I know I shouldn't complain; it could be worse. I'm trying to keep things in perspective but I'm bored and lonely. I'm going to start cooking tomorrow; I think I can manage a little prolonged standing now. I got this great bread book from the library, Dough by Richard Bertinet, that I've had to return. I only got to make one thing before hurting myself, the chocolate buns. The kids loved them but they were too chocolaty for most of the adults. I think I'd like to make it again without the cocoa powder in the dough and with a raspberry pastry cream instead of chocolate, and substitute dark chocolate chunks for the chocolate chips. Yes, the original was chocolate pastry with a very rich chocolate custard filling and chocolate chips. A bit much perhaps but I liked it. I really wanted to try his french bread recipe.

I can take pictures of landscapes well enough so why does my food photography suck so much? These looked much better than they do here. Well, that's something to work on I guess.
In other news, I suck at Risk. World domination forever eludes me!
Can you see the cracks in my sanity yet? If the grass had come in yet I could at least lie about outside and bask in the sunlight. I'm brimming with energy and all I can do is hobble!! I know I shouldn't complain; it could be worse. I'm trying to keep things in perspective but I'm bored and lonely. I'm going to start cooking tomorrow; I think I can manage a little prolonged standing now. I got this great bread book from the library, Dough by Richard Bertinet, that I've had to return. I only got to make one thing before hurting myself, the chocolate buns. The kids loved them but they were too chocolaty for most of the adults. I think I'd like to make it again without the cocoa powder in the dough and with a raspberry pastry cream instead of chocolate, and substitute dark chocolate chunks for the chocolate chips. Yes, the original was chocolate pastry with a very rich chocolate custard filling and chocolate chips. A bit much perhaps but I liked it. I really wanted to try his french bread recipe.
I can take pictures of landscapes well enough so why does my food photography suck so much? These looked much better than they do here. Well, that's something to work on I guess.